Tonight in Detroit, Michigan at 5:30 pm PDT, Al Gore will announce his endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama. Finally.
A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama. From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.
Over the next four years, we are going to face many difficult challenges — including bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our economy, and solving the climate crisis. Barack Obama is clearly the candidate best able to solve these problems and bring change to America.
This moment and this election are too important to let pass without taking action.
Geez, Al. Nothing like waiting until it’s safe. I like Al Gore; voted for him 3 times. But Jiminy Christmas, couldn’t you have taken a lead? I suppose there’s a reason people say, better late than never. Welcome to the party.
Professional fence sitter Al Gore Jr waited far too long (hopefully) to leverage himself a cushy position in the Obama Administration – maybe he was busy “re-inventing the internet?”
Good one Mr. Gore – “Fixing the economy” – in VERY large part ruined by the Clinton/Gore administration’s exporting of good American union jobs (NAFTA & PNTR) – along with President Bush’s war & lack of oversite on the financial community (mortgage debacle).
With Gore’s questionable VP selection of sometimes Democrat – Connecticut Senator Lieberman as his 2000 running mate – Gore’s alliances may actually be more with his old Senate Comrade (& Bush ally) – Senator McCain?
NITPICK all you want, “Lefty” and Bill, but watch all the $$$ flow into Barack Obama’s campaign after Al Gore takes the stage tonight. I’m excited about the momentum this endorsement brings, anyone else??
I am, too. Personally, I think Al Gore showed himself to be a true statesman by refusing to get in the primary wars by making an early endorsement. Now’s the PERFECT time for him to endorse Obama and throw his full support to the Democratic nominee.
And btw, between Gore’s endorsement and Hillary Clinton’s conference call with her major donors tomorrow (asking them to start flowing that money over to Obama), I think our nominee will get a HUGE financial boost in the next few days as John McBush continues to struggle far behind. 😉