CA-48: Join Steve Young & Friends for the Campaign Kickoff!

Hey, there! This just came in my inbox from the Democratic Party of Orange County. This looks like a great event that all you South County Dems won’t want to miss! 🙂

dpoc.jpgDear Reader,

Steve Young is the Democratic nominee for Congress in the 48th Congressional District against the out-of-touch incumbent, John Campbell. 2008 is the year that Democrats can take back our country and our county! With hard work and determination, we can elect a Democratic president and elect more Democrats to the House of Representatives. Steve has a real shot, but he needs your help!

steve-young.jpgPlease join us for Steve Young’s official campaign kick-off:
Summer Solstice Dinner, Dance & Silent Auction
Friday, June 20th
6:00 PM: Social and Silent Auction
7:00 PM: Dinner
8:00 PM: Entertainment and Dancing
Laguna Hills Community Center
25555 Alicia Parkway, Laguna Hills, CA
(Corner of Alicia and Paseo de Valencia)

Music by the Midnight Ramblers.
Your generous support is appreciated!

Welcome Attendees $100 per person
Silver Sponsor $250 per person, includes listing on the Silver Sponsor Page
Gold Sponsor $1000, includes table & listing on Gold Sponsor Page
Platinum Sponsor $1200, includes table & half-page message/ad in Kick-Off Booklet
Diamond Sponsor – $1500, includes table & a full-page message/ad in the Kick-Off Booklet (Tables seat 8 people)

Please RSVP to Marion Pack at 949-640-4400, or

The 48th Congressional District is located in South Orange County. It includes the cities of Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Tustin, Newport Beach, San Juan Capistrano, and Santa Ana.
In Unity,

Melahat Rafiei, Executive Director
Democratic Party of Orange County

phone: 714-835-5158


  1. If you want to place a greeting or an ad in the program Steve will have for the event, please be sure to get your informantion in by Tuesday! Also if any of you have something you’d like to donate for the auction portion of the kickoff, please let Marion know asap!

  2. See that, all ye Bolsheviks of the DPOC, doesn’t sound like Misha holds a grudge against Steve for his Kumbaya proposal of not guillotining Hapless Hoa.

  3. Nope…AND I hope you all support Steve and participate in the kickoff. WE NEED SOME ADS y’all.

  4. Damn! Did I write Bolsheviks? I meant Jacobins! I’ve forgotten my own beautiful coinage!

    Not to mention forgetting how to spell Bolshevist, thank you very much Mr. All-Viet-All-the-time!

  5. A dem has zero chance of winning this race.

    What is it with Steve Young? Does enjoy beating his head against a wall – ’cause it feels so good when the pain stops?

    This guy is pathetic.

  6. Misha, did they also say that about Loretta, repeatedly in the exact same words, in the comment sections of different blogs, because they thought they were so witty they could never outdo themselves?

    Or was the world blissfully free of spammers like “junior” back in the day?

  7. Oh, I’m just irritated with this so-called “junior” and similar people who copy and paste the same exact nasty comments repeatedly, here and at the OJ and at Red OC. That comment about Steve banging his head because it feels good when he stops, it pops up whenever Steve is mentioned. There was someone else last month who had this really long anti-Dina comment that they just copied and pasted everywhere they went. At my place I stop approving things once I’ve seen the same thing a few times. It’s almost like spam.

  8. Vern,
    LOL, I agree. Maybe they just don’t know how to think for themselves and all they know how to do is copy the talking points they’ve been given. Freepers aren’t known for their sense of humor or their capacity for critical thinking…

  9. Misha & Vern-

    Freepers arenÂ’t known for their sense of humor or their capacity for critical thinking.

    Ain’t that the truth! That’s why trollish rabblerousers like “junior” really p*** me off. They whine and moan and complain about Democrats like Steve Young that are doing so much to turn the red parts of our county blue because they think this kind of work is “worthless”, yet they never get off their butts and do anything for the party ANYWHERE in the county. It just irks me that these trolls like “junior” like to complain about the rest of us while they do nothing.

    Whatever. We’ll see whose efforts actually pay off in November. 😉

  10. I love it. Why bother trying? Because it’s not a one party system, even you if you think it, it’s not. Democrats have a right to run and to compete and it’s unfortunate that more don’t try.

  11. Heather, Vern et al,

    I must have hit a nerve.

    Would you fine folks feel better if I pointed out that Rosie Avila has zero possibility of defeating Loretta Sanchez? She is equally pathetic as Steve Young.

    I wouldn’t waste blog space on either. Why would you?

  12. junior, just try to think up new metaphors each time you want to put down a plucky underdog. By the way, I’ve thought about it, and I’m pretty sure it DOESN’T feel so good when you stop banging your head on a wall, the pain continues for days. (How would I know, you ask…)

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