Thank You Senator Clinton!

Thank You Hillary

Senator Barack Obama’s response to Senator Clinton’s endorsement.

Obviously, I am thrilled and honored to have Senator Clinton’s support. But more than that, I honor her today for the valiant and historic campaign she has run. She shattered barriers on behalf of my daughters and women everywhere, who now know that there are no limits to their dreams. And she inspired millions with her strength, courage and unyielding commitment to the cause of working Americans.

Our party and our country are stronger because of the work she has done throughout her life, and I’m a better candidate for having had the privilege of competing with her in this campaign. No one knows better than Senator Clinton how desperately America and the American people need change, and I know she will continue to be in the forefront of that battle this fall and for years to come.


  1. I heard most of her speech in the car and I was proud to say that I did give her the benefit of the doubt and she did a tremendous job with her speech. Thank you indeed. So many people said she would drag this to the convention and I really thought that she would do the right thing, she did above and beyond and it’s time to work together.

    I’m so very optimistic about this campaign and I know we can unite to bring a Democrat back to the White House.

  2. I like…his team gave her the full “Obama-esque-glow-halo-angel-larger-than-life” effect.

  3. This has been a historic presidential primary season for Democrats. We have had the opportunity to participate in selecting the first nominee of the Democratic Party who is not a white male.

    Senator Clinton has helped inspire millions of people to become involved in the political process for the first time in their lives, to get out and vote, and to participate fully in electing a historic nominee for our party. Whether young or old, wealthy or poor, White or Black, Hispanic or Asian; gay or straight, Hillary Clinton has helped bring us together in the effort to bring change to our country and our government.

    Supporters of Hillary Clinton, as well as all of the other candidates who sought the nomination of the Democratic Party, can now join together with Senator Clinton in celebration of this historic moment and unite to elect Barack Obama President of the United States.

    Thank you to all who have passionately participated in this process and debated the merits of their favorite candidate. Thank you Hillary Clinton for the inspiration you have given to all of us.

  4. Senator/ First Lady Clinton has had 16 years to get us national health care – she talks a good game every election – where’s the beef?

    Pro middle class? Her husband exported more good American jobs (NAFTA/ PNTR) than anyone in history.

    Sorry, good speeches don’t make for good leadership.

  5. Clinton lied & Obama is an empty suit full of empty promises. Bush & Mc Cain are no better. Our country is in sad shape.

  6. Clinton gave a good speech. For a smile, click my moniker above and see a youtube vid of my daughter giving her own “presidential speech” this week. It’s crude video, but you might enjoy it. cheers.

  7. Dear Sunkenroad,

    Thank you for posting the video of your five year old daughter. True sentiments, sprinkled with rhetorical questions and topped off with an ice cream analogy; what a treat!!!
    Robin Marcario

  8. I was a vigorous Hillary Clinton supporter. Sadly, like Al Gore, if I had run her campaign the outcome would have been different. That said, I will support Obama with the same vigor. I do hope that he selects her for the VP slot. I think that pulling together the supporters of both would produce a landslide victory over the Republican machine. Come January, let Barack get us out of Iraq and let Hillary work on health care!

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