“We can’t forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky.“
Those are the 1998 words of my representative in Congress, Ken Calvert, member of the Christian Coalition and co-chair to the Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control Methamphetamine.
It’s interesting Calvert would make such a statement, considering that in 1993, Corona police found him in his car with a prostitute’s head in his lap. According to the police report, Calvert was “placing his penis in his unzipped dress slacks.” The prostitute, Lorena Linberg, was a heroin and methadone user.
Fortunately the people in my district are seeing the light. Republicans now outnumber Democrats here by less than 11%, and we have a great candidate running against Calvert: Bill Hedrick.
Hey Gila, I linked to your last Calvert post last night when I – at the request of Hedrick’s folks – posted Hedrick’s touching essay on the return of his son from Iraq. Just sayin’.
From Gila: I noticed that, Vern, and thanks. Click here for Vern’s post.
One Republican who has been pretty tough on Calvert is Allan Bartlett from Powder Blue Report. He made Calvert a charter member of the “Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places” Caucus, along with Former Rep. Mark Foley, Sen. Larry Craig & Sen. David Vitter.