This just in from the OC Labor Federation! Tomorrow, our union brothers & sisters (and all those that love them!) will be taking action to dump the VERY anti-labor Dana Rohrabacher and replace him with someone who will fight for working people as our member of Congress. Don’t you want to be a part of this?
Check out what’s below and mark your calendar for tomorrow! 🙂
Please join your union brothers and sisters for a precinct walk in support our union
endorsed candidate for
WHEN: Saturday, May 31, 2008- 9:00 AM
WHERE: Debbie Cook for Congress
17308 Beach Blvd.
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
For more information, please call: 714-270-1991
If I don’t see some you all there tomorrow, I am going to start to think you are just talkers.
11:48 am
LOL. I hope you bring your attendance sheet to track all the participants.
Rocks 11:48-
Oh, you’ll see me there alright… 😉
Haha. Will there also be prizes for best attendance record?
For you there is always the best prize of all. My unyielding admiration and a great big hug to lift your spirits before you head off into the precincts to garner support for Debbie Cook. I will be there with some Teamsters and some kids from my neighborhood in tow to work the precincts that Debbie and I share in Garden Grove. So you can have the choice of working for two campaigns at the same time if you walk with me and organized labor.
Won’t be there, Gary is doing his own walking and Charlotte and I may just join him.
Sorry Paul. While I support organized labor, I don’t support bad candidates for Garden Grove City Council. Go Chris Beard and Robin Mercurio!