HT to the Long Beach Press Telegram for their article analyzing the CD-46 race between Dana Rohrabacher and Huntington Beach Mayor Debbie Cook.
Dana thinks Debbie is cute!!!!
Dana says he’s not worried and seemed to throw the Republican Party under the bus in his last quote: “I have been somewhat alienated from the Republican leadership because they don’t seem to have a rudder to steer the ship,” he said. “The Republican Party has not taken tough stands, and thus the public doesn’t know how to judge us. Everybody knows exactly where I stand.”
Yes Dana, we know where you stand. Which is exactly why you need a new line of work come November.
Ha, we know what problems Dana has with the Republican Party, just happens to be the two issues where the Republican Party (particularly McCain, whom he campaigned against) are more reasonable than him: immigrants which are his favorite scapegoat, and global warming which he clownishly denies,
But it’s funny to see the contortions he’s going thru in this close election: trying to distance himself from his loser party, and pretending to be susceptible to the charms of a woman, all in the same interview! 😉
Whoever said that Sexism is dead? It is a pillar of the GOP platform, and Dana is the foundation of the pillar!
True or false? During Thursday’s hearing, Dana Rohrabacher uttered the word “panties” 35 times.
True. At one point he seemed to be arousing himself with the repetition.
False. He only said “panties” eight times. Still, that’s may be a single-session record for a congressman saying “panties.”
Find out the truth at