Our friend Allan Bartlett over at the Powder Blue Report hashis panties in a bunch over signs he paid for to promote the little-read Irvine Tattler web site were removed by the cty. Immediately, Allan believes its the result of a conspiracy involving Larry Agran and filed this post on his blog.
I’m especially amused at how Allan cc: all the area media about this “Chief, I have a scoop….”
I called the City Friday morning and was told the signs were the wrong size, violated the city’s sign ordinance of where they could be placed. Allan would have an argument if the signs were campaign related, but it pretty much falls under the “Lose Weight Fast; Ask Me How” signs that blight a neighborhood.
As for the Irvine Tattler, rehased old content. Nothing new. I see the “FFOL” (Former Friends of Larry) Link is down probably due to a lack of interest. Allen reports that Steven Smith, Irvine Tattler publisher, reported that hits to the site tripled. Wow, from 3 to 9?
The City of Irvine is in great shape and in many ways is the envy of OC.  Home values in my neighborhood are staying steady, there are still 3 jobs or every resident in the city even with the subprime mortgage crunch.ÂÂ
We need to get Stephen Choi off the council; and if Ms. Shea loses her race for mayor, perhaps she’ll resign to focus on her lobbying business. The city is twice the size it was when she was mayor last and I think, for those new residents of Irvine, a reminder is in store that Ms. Shea was completely ineffective at stopping the proposed airport at El Toro; you can thank Beth Krom and Larry Agran for Measure W that won overwhelmingly 2-to-1 at the polls. My home value soared after the vote won.
I also wonder how Ms. Shea viewed last Thursday’s California Supreme Court decision that overturned bans on Gay Marriage; she rose to power in Irvine on statements that she didn’t want Gay Pride Parades in her city. And will Choi issue a statement about it as well? ÂÂ
The Irvine Tattler would have more credibility if it criticized wasteful programs of Shea and Choi as well how want to build libraries as we head into a recession. Great, just what we need another library in southern california lacking operating funds…
Hi Debby – an thanks for chiming in. Shea and Choi walk out of meetings constantly and then complain they didn’t have sufficient time to review information; count how many times Christina says “I didn’t understand that” and you will see what I mean. They vote no on everything but show up at all the public events to take credit for stuff they vote no on. I believe we could be much further ahead ith Great Park Development if these two Clown Shoes were back in the Private Sector.
I keep wondering who Choi was text messaging with during a council meeting; getting his orders I’m sure
So you really called the city staff Friday huh Dan? That’s funny because they were closed!
Those interested in helping to curb temporary sign blight in OC are invited to join our group!
Isn’t it time for Allan to make a doctor’s appointment since his faux outrage
hard-on has lasted more than three days?
Allan. With all the volunteering I have done over the past 10 years with cub scouts, youth sports, and as president of my HOA, I have collected a number of home phone and cell phone numbers for various city staffers. Sorry you not so connected that a closed city hall might prevent you from getting answers to a question.