1. The LC-

    Sorry, but Michelle Obama isn’t running… Her husband is. Oh yes, and let’s see who has more votes when ALL THE VOTERS have finally voted. It ain’t ovewr ’til it’s over.

  2. Since you brought this up, Andrew…
    Can anyone tell me how you plan to count “all the voters” in Michigan, where all the other candidates removed their names from the ballot and Hillary’s campaign “forgot”?
    And what about the thousands of voters in MI and FL who didn’t show up because they were told their votes wouldn’t count towards a presidential nomination?
    I can’t think of a fair solution, can you?

  3. > “Oh yes, and let’s see who has more votes when ALL THE VOTERS have finally voted.”

    Of course you mean delegate votes, right, Andrew?

  4. Heather-

    Yes. Sorry if I was a little harsh eariler. Both deserve a happy Mom’s Day… As well as you. Heather. 🙂


    I mean voters… Us, the regular folks who vote. Superdelegates have every right to take the popular vote into consideration when making their decision.

  5. Thank you Andrew, I appreciate that. And I’m going to stay out of the other discussion because I think the spirit of the post was Mother’s day.

    I personally think Charlotte is what clinched the DFA endorsement 🙂

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