Back from Vegas: Nearly Missed This WSJ Article

I’ve been pretty quiet all week due to a lousy wireless Internet connection at my Hotel in Las Vegas (see the flip for a picture), but I got back last night and found this article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal.

Only 27% of voters have positive views of the Republican Party, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the lowest level for either party in the survey’s nearly two-decade history.

Yet the party’s probable presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain, continues to run nearly even with Democratic rivals Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton. His standing so far makes for a more competitive race for the White House than would be expected for Republicans, who face an electorate that overwhelmingly believes the country is headed in the wrong direction under President Bush.

The upside: Americans agree with Democrats a lot more than Republicans.

The downside: McCain is managing to buck the trend.  But once the nominee is decided, I think things will change pretty dramatically for the Democrats in a more positive manner.

From the article:

Voters, by 44% to 32%, hold positive feelings toward the Democratic Party. By a 15-point margin, 49% to 34%, voters say they want Democrats to keep control of Congress. Swing voters — the one-third of the electorate that will decide the elections — are even more hostile toward the Republican Party than voters overall, and identify by more than 2-to-1 with Democrats.

The Interop show in Las Vegas is the world’s largest computer networking show.  The show at a lot fo exhibitors but traffic seemed lighter than usual.  It wasn’t hard to get a dinner reservation and the lines for coffee were pretty short.

These women were working the D-Link Booth for the Fountain Valley company. The young woman on the left is from Huntington Beach and the young woman on the right is awaiting the arrival of her husband who is deployed in Afghanistan.   This pic ran in the Register’s Innovation column.

D-Link booth babes at Interop conference