Happy 2nd Birthday LibOC! 4-26-08


Editor’s Note: Mike Lawson has moved away from Orange County and now lives in Phoenix Arizona. He still blogs, just not about politics, at: WhatSomeWouldCallLies.com.

Remember me? Two years ago today I launched TheLiberalOC.com. It was my opinion at the time that the already established OC blogosphere was missing a progressive ying to OCBlog’s conservative yang. The Orange County Register’s editorial page too often bashed progressive ideas, and made it appear normal to value personal wealth over your neighbor’s well-being. The average Orange Countian gave more attention to rising stock prices than the rising homelessness rate.

The previous paragraph is in the past tense only because the website launch that I speak of is in the past. Sadly these attitudes are still widely accepted here. But it isn’t all gloom and doom for Orange County’s racial minorities, poor, working class, sick, and veterans. Luckily there is a group of very committed progressive people that have been at the forefront of sticking up for Orange County’s under-represented.

This group, these advocates for immigrants, gays, lesbians, the elderly, and the young, needed a place where their honorable work could be showcased. These champions of social equality deserved a home where like-minded folks could come to vent, poke fun, and share ideas.

And TheLiberalOC.com was born.

The story is really that simple. In the past two years we have seen and documented many great achievements made by progressives in this county. And on the depressing flip side we have also reported on the disgraceful economic disparity and social inequality that still exists here. While half of the county drives their luxury cars into their gated communities, the other half is trying to figure out how they will afford their rent or medical bills.

Walt Disney once said that the way to get started is to quit talking (or blogging) and start doing. So I challenge all of you progressives reading this to walk the walk.

Get off your ass and donate your time or money. Walk a precinct for a local democrat. Plant flowers at the park on the corner. Volunteer at The Catholic Worker homeless shelter. Donate some cash to your local Boys & Girls Club. Work an evening at The Gay & Lesbian Center. Reshelf books at the library down the street. Make phone calls for a candidate that you strongly feel has our best interests at heart. Attend an Orange County Young Democrats meeting. File papers at the ACLU OC office.

Come out and be a proud democrat. Do democratic things.

Happy Birthday, Liberal OC!


  1. Although talking with Paul Lucas and Rebecca was fun. Especially when someone asked Paul if he had been branded by Mike Schroeder, we miss you at Drinking Liberally and hope you make a cameo soon.

  2. Youre a class act Mike as always. I hope to see you again soon. Summers coming up so I hope you have your AC tuned up for that AZ heat..

  3. Thank you Mike for starting this great blog and I’m honored to be a part of it. I get to write about issues facing Orange County with my very own progressive slant.

    And you give good advice. Gary, my husband, his good deed was to run for State Senate and it’s overwhelming, we need all the help we can get. So, um, yes, volunteer for a local politician, you want to change your community, get more Dem elected in Orange County. It can happen.

    Thanks again Mike!

  4. Happy Birthday!

    It’s been fun seeing The Liberal OC change and grow over the years. Thanks Mike for starting a political blog that covers politics in Orange County from a different political perspective.

    Happy Birthday from Mike’s Daily LockUp!

  5. Mike —
    We miss you. Thanks for creating this lefty voice in the sea of red. In two years, the LiberalOC has established itself as a must read for those in political power in the OC whether they like it or not.

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