1. LOL.

    Seriously, though, it looks like someone was hoarding domain names, and while waiting for people to buy them, just direct them to various websites.

    BTW, it looks Japanese to me, but I wouldn’t know for sure.

  2. babble fish jap translation

    Cheer seed bean milk empty cookie price: It appears 2079 Yen * the cheer seed bean milk empty cookie bean milk empty cookie cheer seed and as a マリアージュ tasty diet cookie! ! Cheer seed bean milk empty cookie contents quantity 5 (approximately 28.5g) ×14 sack selling agency コモライフ (Inc.)

  3. Yes , and she could go for the Thai, Korean, Viet , Arab , German, Russian, French, Indonesian, Egyptian, Tonga, Cheklosavakian, Armenian, Isreali, Hungarian, Philipino, Cambodian, Latvian, Italian , as well as the Chinese vote because :

    1) She is smarter than Loretta Sanchez.
    2) I know how to say hello in all the above languages.
    3) And I can tach Rosie Avila to learn the same.
    4) And she’ ll trounce Sanchez in the election ! 🙂 Davo

  4. Keep on dreaming Davo!
    Crazy Rosie will be lucky to get 35% in November.
    But feel free to continue underestimating Loretta’s intelligence and popularity. That’s exactly how she’s gotten as far as she has.

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