Obama Delegate Update

UPDATE: Here’s an excerpt from the letter sent to the state party by the Obama campaign.

“The Obama Campaign submitted a list of approved district delegate candidates to your office on April 7, 2008 pursuant to Section III.A.5 of the California Democratic Party Delegate Selection Plan. By this letter, we would like to withdraw that list such that all district delegate candidates be deemed approved by the Obama Campaign and eligible to run for district delegate in their congressional district.”
–Letter from the Obama Campaign to the California Democratic Party, April 10, 2008

Normally I’m not a fan of “rip and read” but this one seems appropriate to pass along unedited.

If you’ve filed paperwork to be elected an Obama delegate at the caucuses this weekend, this message is for you — particularly if you were one of the people cut from the list.

Dear Bill,

There has been an extraordinary outpouring of grassroots support for Senator Obama among Democrats and Independents in all 53 California Congressional districts.

In recognition of this tremendous enthusiasm, our campaign has asked the California Democratic Party to allow all persons who have filed to be a district delegate candidate for Senator Obama at the Democratic National Convention to participate in the caucuses this Sunday, April 13, 2008.

We are confident that delegates elected from this pool will reflect the Senator’s commitment to a diverse and unified delegation at the National Convention.

An overwhelming number of supporters have signed up to run for delegate, so there will likely be lines and tight space at the caucus locations. We ask for everyone’s patience and cooperation.

Most of all, please enjoy this opportunity to meet other Obama supporters and elect delegate candidates to the Convention in Denver.

If you have any questions, please contact Daryl Sprague at dsprague@barackobama.com.

Thanks for your interest and active participation in Barack’s campaign to change politics and change America.


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


  1. This was very smart of the Obama campaign. I was shocked that so many reacted as passionately as they did, it seemed that bloggers took the cuts more personally than they should have but I understand the disappointment. The Obama campaign heard them and acted quickly, as they should have.

  2. I think they freaked at the numbers and we thank CDP leadership for reminding the Obama Campaign that this keeps the tent open.

    In the meantime – two of the Hillary purges have not been re-instated.

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