Baseball 2008: Opening Day

This is probably the only compliment I will ever pay President George W. Bush.  He throws strikes when tossing out the first pitch at a baseball game.

The president threw out the first pitch for the Washington Nationals in their season opener last night, the first game in their new ballpark.  The crowd gave the president a real Bronx cheer.



  1. As a kid going to Washington Senators games, it was always a thrill to see the president throw the first pitch on opening day. I went to the opening day game in 1963 and got the president to sign my program. The pitches were rarely any good – and this one looks high and outside – but there was always something magical about the experience, including even this one.

  2. I was in the stands at Nationals Park last night. I proudly exercised my freedom of speech and booed away.

  3. Thank you for adding your voice to the chorus. I refuse to put this guy’s name and title in the same sentence. Gives me anaphylaxis. On some level, though, I guess there’s still some of the kid in me that likes to see the president (even this one who disgraces everything my ancestors fought for) throw the ball. Had I been at the game, I would have joined you. It’s great to be in America.

  4. Boy are the Nationals going to suck this year. They picked up some highly questionable players via trades in the offseason. And they traded their team leader, Brian Schneider, to the Mets. I suspect the Nationals will have a “Bush-like” season when it is all said and done…

  5. I am not a big fan of this President but I think it is bad form to boo any president who is throwing out the ceremonial first pitch. This is a rich tradition started by President Taft and followed by all except Jimmy Carter. Baseball is the national pastime and the presidential first pitch is something that does not need to be soiled by partisan rancor and bad manners. There are times we honor the office and not the man or woman who happens to occupy the office.. This is one of them.

    I did not like it when President Clinton was booed in Baltimore in 1993 and I don’t like it when President Bush was booed in the District of Columbia. There are times and places for giving a President the bronx cheer or a boo or two..and I respectfully suggest this is not one of them. People of course have a right to boo and be rude but if you can’t see the way to clap for a president Clinton or President Bush, try being silent. it’s a far more powerful statement then booing without the rudeness which disturbs many fair minded people..

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