Young Democrats Meet Tonight!

I wish I could be there tonight for all the fun, but unfortunately I’m too sick to leave the house tonight. So can all you Young Dems do me a favor? Would you all please show up for tonight’s important meeting and make us at proud?

Thanks! And hopefully, I’ll be seeing you all at the following OCYD event. 🙂

Dear Andrew,

Young Democrats Meeting (New Location)

Join us for our next monthly Orange County Young Democrats meeting Thursday, March 13th at 7:00 PM at Jason’s Downtown Restaurant and Wine Cellar located at 416 W. 4th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701. We will be featuring Santa Ana Councilmember and fellow Young Democrat David Benavides as our guest speaker. We will also be making nominations for our executive board elections.

Democratically yours,
Chris Roa, Communications Director
Orange County Young Democrats