Tucker Carlson, Melanie Morgan Get Walking Papers

MSNBC has cancelled Tucker Carlson’s awful 9PM PDT TV show, but the bow-tied George Will wannbe will stay on with the network as an analyst through the 2008 presidential election. 


Carlson still hasn’t recovered from John Stewart’s tongue lashing on CNN’s Crossfire during the 2004 race; perhaps Fox News will add him and he’ll fit right in.

KSFO Radio host Melanie Morgan, famous for calling Barack Obama a “Half-rican” because he’s not descended from African slaves, was fired for making untrue claims about billionaire George Soros. 



From Morgan’s Wiki bio:

On February 8, 2007, while Morgan and her KSFO co-hosts Lee Rodgers were discussing philanthropist and political activist George Soros, the two stated that in 1944, Soros “hid the fact that he’s a Jew” and “apparently very cheerfully and willingly, went to work for the Nazis” and “ran around Hungary with Nazi officials, serving eviction notices to people who were going to be shipped out on the death trains.” This statement prompted the following on-air retraction and apology from KSFO Program Director Ken Berry: “During our February 8th broadcast, the hosts of this program mistakenly stated that financier George Soros ‘cheerfully’ and ‘willingly’ went to work for the Nazis after his native Hungary was occupied during World War II, when Mr. Soros was 13 years old. The hosts also mistakenly stated that Mr. Soros ‘ran around Hungary with Nazi officials, serving eviction notices to people who were going to be shipped out on the death trains,’ and that he did so ‘to further his own career.’ These statements are not accurate, and KSFO regrets that they were broadcast.”

I am still amazed that Michael Savage hasn’t been canned yet.


  1. Tucker jumped the shark when he traded that bowtie for the regular tie and Dancing with the Stars was also a low point. Didn’t watch, won’t miss him. Only redeeming quality to Tucker was that he had Rachel Maddow on his show at one point.

    There are rumors that she could possibly replace him and that would be a major improvement, I hope it’s true!

  2. Rachel rocks; and while Tucker had her on the show, she always held her ground against his bloviation.

  3. Bloviation! That is DEFINITELY a word I’m going to add to my vernacular! Dan, YOU rock!

    And the bowtie made him look geeky, but it was a trademark. In reality though, it didn’t make him a geek. His geekiness makes him a geek, and not a very bright at that. I always love it when people who *look* smart are actually braindead! LOVIN’ IT!


  4. now all we need is that hater keith oberman off the air . who crys every night and rips on fox news because it kicks his ass in the ratings .

  5. now all we need is that hater keith oberman off the air . who crys every night and rips on fox news because it kicks his ass in the ratings .

    Oh Bill, you have to stop posting on Liberal blogs, just face facts, Olbermann kicks your ass nightly and in many ways. Please go hug yourself and call Colbert, he pretends to give a shit much better than I ever can.

  6. Thank god another hack off the air. Leave the politically topical shows to people like chris matthews who challenge issues without having to interject their opinion constantly like its an ego stroke. Im old fashioned I just want news that is why i like BBC. Honestly I like keith olberman because he backs up his opinions with facts and uses those facts to open up discussion. While people like tucker just make it up as they go along.

    P.S.- Cnn Has the highest ratings of the networks in prime time beating keith olberman and and bill O. Not that it matters but FOX serves a niche audience and its constructed that way, they dont need big ratings just their fanatical base which is what their business model is geared towards and shows the brilliance of Rupert Murdoch to take advantage of a media market with a loyal base of sheep.

  7. Why does this site have to resort to lying. I am finding hard to remain a liberal, why, because the liberals on the net whith blogs, and on tv are liars, sure republicans are quick to bite on false stories then report them as fact, but liberals flat out lie. Get it right, Melanie’s contract was not renewed due to money, she would not take a pay cut. And i applaud her, she recently raised over a million dollars to get care packages to our troops. Congress has under funded this war to undermind it. Yes it was a bad choice to unvade Iraq, but hell once they are in harms way, they need everything to get it done and home fast. Congress wants them to fail. So do most liberals. Because of all this, I may jump ship and vote for McCain.

  8. Pretty short negotiations James. The stations owners offered a smaller contract. She said NO. They asked for her building keys. Nice way to get rid of someone without paying a hige severance.

    Morgan was famous for calling Barack Obama a “Halfrican” because he is not a descendant of African-American slaves. She was documented as one of the biggest haters out there. I am glad she’s gone.

  9. “And i applaud her, she recently raised over a million dollars to get care packages to our troops.”

    Well, what a humanitarian Melanie is! I guess that means she can lie all she wants. Sort of like the same logic people use to excuse Bush’s lying us into war: “At least he got rid of Saddam.” Perhaps her charity work demonstrates that she is just trying to cleanse her conscience if she indeed has one.

    Should have been canned a long time ago. Good riddance!

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