Stop the Hate! Join the Fight for Equality!

Here’s a message I got from the Democratic Party of OC:

Right now, a group of well funded “Rovian” strategists are attempting to put a discriminatory marriage initiative on the ballot in November. This coalition of conservative groups hired 200 paid signature gatherers to spread out around California and have begun gathering signatures at shopping malls and grocery stores all over.

A coalition has formed to stop them – EQUALITY FOR ALL.

But we can’t do it alone. We need your help!
Every Saturday, between now and April 20, Equality For All will be hosting leadership briefings in Orange County. We need people who care about protecting the constitution and who believe that fairness is a core value to stand up against those who would continue to divide our populace.

If we defeat this measure now, we don’t have to worry about spending the 20 million to defeat it later! […]

Equality for All Leadership Meetings
Saturday at 10:00 am
1700 East Garry Ave, Ste. 120
Santa Ana, CA

If you can help or know of people who can help, then pass this along. To RSVP for the leadership meeting then contact Sarah Scanlon ( at 202- 459-3298 or Terry McGuire ( at 202-294-0784.

We have other ways to help as well:

Join the Rapid Response team for Equality for All – you will learn how to get plugged into the campaign. If you see signature gatherers or receive information about the paid signature effort, send a message to our tips line at

Tell your friends about our effort – send this email to your entire list of family and friends, or call all of your family and friends and tell them how to get involved.

We can’t afford to let these Rovian tactics succeed. I hope that you can join us in fighting back!