Best. Month. Evah!


I just had a peek at our Sitemeter, which is available for public viewing here, and noticed we experienced more hits in February than any previous month. Prior to this month our greatest number of hits was in October during the wildfires, when our coverage drew a lot of readers.

Thanks for being with us. I know those of us who write here have a great time doing it, and we’re glad to know others are enjoying the work we do as well.


  1. Congrats, Liberal OC! Keep your eyes on the prize–and avoid internecine flame wars as much as possible, por favor!

  2. Gustavo,

    “…avoid internecine flame wars.” Too late for that my friend.

    I wonder by the way when Liberal OC will add some Latino writers to their blog? Is there a reason why they have not done so?

  3. Congratulations guys. I am continually amazed at the energy you all can find for this project in addition to work and family life. This blog has developed remarkably in the time I have lived here in Cali. I think Sean’s commentary, with the scores of comments he often attracts, has certainly contributed mightily to your visit numbers.


  4. My presence on the blog roll is not a result of any affirmative action quota, but I have been a part of TheLiberalOC for at least a year.
    Let’s stay focused on providing informative discourse to our readers. And not become obsessed with awards and numbers as others have.

  5. I am very happy to be a small part of the team and look forward to growing with the The Liberal OC. I appreciate the opportunity to learn about local politics and to actually get to be involved as well.

  6. Just logged on for the first time after being told about the site by Coach Dan, the world’s greatest Little League coach. This is terrific!! You’re bookmarked from now on, and lots of catchup to do. Nice going,all of you.

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