Ware Update: John McCain Benefits While Logan Suffers

Senator John McCain, the probable Republican presidential nominee, is the beneficiary of at least $10,000 in campaign donations from trash hauler/scofflaw Judy Ware and her family.  According to FundRace 2008 on the Huffington Post Ware and company have given 4 seperate donations totalling $10,000 to McCain’s presidential campaign.  It certainly appears that McCain is a beneficiary of the suffering that Ware has inflicted on the Logan Neighborhood.

Here is a list of the Ware donations to John McCain:

  1. Christy Ware   $3100   2/2007
  2. Jay Ware         $2300   2/2007
  3. Judy Ware       $2300   1/2007
  4. Ben Ware        $2300   1/2007

I certainly hope that McCain would not want to accept Ware’s filthy money and he would give it back.  Ware likes to throw money around to politicians and feels that this should allow her to operate on her own terms.  She is dead wrong about that.  No matter how much money she gives the laws apply to her just as they apply to any other business or resident of Santa Ana.

As we have been constantly reminded, particularly by Art Pedroza, Judy Ware also gave money to the “Yes on D” campaign in Santa Ana.  I learned from credible sources that Councilmembers Tinajero, Alvarez and Sarmiento all opposed taking any money from Ware and that it was Mayor Miguel Pulido that solicited and accepted to donations from Judy and company.  I am sure that the “Yes on D” campaign still has money left in their coffers and I call upon Max Madrid, who controls the committee, to return the money to Ware. 

Until Ware cleans up their act and stops with the destruction of the Logan Neighborhood I call upon all politicians and campaigns to say “NO” to Judy Ware’s filthy cash.  The money she is donating is blood money and it is covered in the blood of all those living in Logan and their ancestors that proceeded them.

Please contact the McCain 2008 campaign and ask them to give Judy Ware back her filthy money.  I was angry that the “Yes on D” campaign accepted funds from Ware and have been asking that they give the money back from the onset and now I am doing so publicly.  We must not let the politicians benefit while Logan suffers, especially one that is running for the highest office in the land.  


  1. “Tall about stretching logic past the breaking point.”

    Matt, or is it Jubal today?

    Is there something erroneous in what I posted? Are you denying that McCain received money from the scofflaw Ware’s?

    Please expand for the entertainment of those that read this blog.

  2. Sean:

    It is your claim that “McCain is a beneficiary of the suffering that Ware has inflicted on the Logan Neighborhood” that stretches logic beyond the breaking point.

    That’s an absurd, laughable claim.

  3. Jubal,

    The money that Ware gave to McCain is quite likely the result of money earned through her operations at Ware Disposal and Madison Materials. These facilities are located in Santa Ana, with Ware being in Logan and Madison just outside of Logan. Those facilities are leading to the destruction of the Logan Neighborhood.

    If McCain received money that Ware earned from those facilities then he is indeed the beneficiary of money that comes from the operations that are destroying the Logan Neighborhood.

  4. The money that Ware gave to McCain is quite likely the result of money earned through her operations at Ware Disposal and Madison Materials.


    “Quite likely”

    In other words, you have absolutely no evidence to back up the claim I cited.

  5. “In other words, you have absolutely no evidence to back up the claim I cited. ”

    Perhaps the Ware’s have a slush fund or Swiss bank account or some other source of money which they use for their political contributions.

    However most reasonable folks without an agenda, in other words not Jubal, will come to the conclusion that the money that Ware gave McCain was derived from their income that they earn from their facilities in Santa Ana.

  6. No, a reasonable person would conclude you have absolutely no evidence to back up your claim — for the simple reason that you have absolutely no evidence to back up your claim.

    You have no way of knowing how or from which facilities or waste hauling contract Ware earned that $10,000.

  7. “You have no way of knowing how or from which facilities or waste hauling contract Ware earned that $10,000. ”

    Ware’s headquarters are in Santa Ana. The trucks that pick up waste in other cities are housed in the Logan Neighborhood. So it does not matter which contract earned them the money the Logan Neighborhood pays the price for all of them.

    I have heard that Judy Ware is a member of the Lincoln Club. Is this true? Is this why you are trying to run interference for her?

    On their donations they all listed either Ware Disposal or Madison Materials as their place of employment. Those companies are located in Santa Ana. Reasonable folks can see that it is from their Santa Ana operations that they derive their income.

    They may have contracts elsewhere, but they are headquartered in Santa Ana. Logan pays the price for all their activities.

    If you would prefer, perhaps we could relocate their operations to your neighborhood.

  8. Jubal aka Matt or Matt aka Jubal,

    Did you have a problem with or condemn Hillary Clinton for taking campaign donations from Norman Hsu? What about Obama taking donations from Tony Rezko?

    Do you think they should have kept the money the received from these gentlemen?

    For the record I am not a John McCain basher. I don’t necessarily agree with his positions on many issues but I do respect him and admire him for his courageous service to this country. I think for the most part that he is a good man. Because of this I would hope he would give Judy Ware her filthy money back.

  9. Ware has waste hauling contracts with various local agencies. That $10,000 could just as easily been from their contract with the county.

    You could just admit your statement was wrong.

    Or you could insist on some magical knowledge of where they money came from, make equally baseless accusations against me, and keep changing the subject.

  10. “That $10,000 could just as easily been from their contract with the county.”

    Let me state it again. It does not matter which contract the money comes from. Their operation is run from their Santa Ana facilities. The trucks that they use to service those contracts are housed in the Logan Neighborhood. The trucks that service those contracts are powerwashed in the Logan Neighborhood. Without their Santa Ana facilities they would not be able to service those contracts. If they could not service the contracts they would not get paid on them.

    Why is it that you refuse to see that their Santa Ana facilities are the base of operations for their contracts?

  11. Matt, can’t we flip the argument on its head and say there’s no evidence that the money didn’t come from other sources?

  12. But that doesn’t really mean anything.

    If I said, “There’s no evidence the Chinese won’t nuke Los Angeles this year,” that’s an essentially meaningless statement, too.

    That money may have come Ware’s Logan operations. But in the absence of any evidence at all either way, it’s just as likely (or unlikely) that it didn’t.

  13. Sean:

    The physical location of their headquarters is located is irrelevant. Ware doesn’t make money because their ugly trucks are housed and washed in the Logan Neighborhood. Ware makes money because local agencies contract with them to use their ugly trucks to haul away trash.

  14. I find it especially funny that sean makes Judy out to be the devil herself. She is the most unintimidating person I have ever met or talked to, I have done neighborhood clean ups with her. And who cares if she or her family gave to McCain? It is her right to give to whomever she wants. It’s a bit of a stretch to link her donations as being on the back of the Logan neigborhood. I would use you as an example sean but I doubt you own our own business so I will use myself…If I give money to McCain….my business is in Santa Ana….is that on the back of my neighborhood or on the back of my clients?

  15. Whether they earn all their money in Logan, or part of their money in Logan. They earn money in Logan and they give some of it to McCain. But that’s only a little interesting to me. Sean, when are we going to picket? What can be done to re-zone them out of the neighborhood? What’s being done to enforce code? But most importantly, Bill has had some great suggestions about posting photos; he’s recommended that repeatedly on this site. And he’s right… lets see ’em.


  16. Whether they earn all their money in Logan, or part of their money in Logan, they earn money in Logan and they give some of it to McCain. But that’s only a little interesting to me. Sean, when are we going to picket? What can be done to re-zone them out of the neighborhood? What’s being done to enforce code? But most importantly, Bill has had some great suggestions about posting photos; he’s recommended that repeatedly on this site. And he’s right… lets see ’em.


  17. James,

    Some things are in the works regarding the enforcement end. The gig is up and the hammer will drop soon. Give me a call and I will expand on this.

    As far as the pictures go, I would be happy to post them however I do not know how to post personal pictures on the blog. Chris wasn’t sure how either when i asked him.

    If you’d like I can have Joe Andrade add you to his email list. He has plenty of photos of Ware in action.

  18. If the Ware’s own the property, why can’t they do with it whatever they want?

    How does a city code thump the US Constitution on individual rights to their property?

    Why did the government people in city hall ok a mixed use for this area in what is incompatible uses.

    And the only reason Mills has a problem with the Ware giving money to McCain is? Well I don’t know why.

  19. “If the Ware’s own the property, why can’t they do with it whatever they want?”

    Because they city sets its own zoning and Ware is use property zoned residential for commercial use. Thus they are in violation of city code.

    “How does a city code thump the US Constitution on individual rights to their property?”

    If you don’t mind perhaps Ware can relocate their sleazy operations next door to your house. Your neighbors may not like thoug.

    “Why did the government people in city hall ok a mixed use for this area in what is incompatible uses.”

    You are right, the folks at city hall that allowed what has happened to Logan were out of their minds. That is why folks are trying to fix those problems today. However Judy Ware is not complying with the uses designated for the properties she owns. She is also likely violationg environmental laws as well.

  20. Sean, what city official is giving you this information from inside the City of Santa Ana? Sounds scandolous! Looking forward to finding out!

  21. Sean,

    You know very well that the City of Santa Ana is on the verge of GIVING millions of dollars worth of land to Ware so she can move near the 55 Fwy. And she will STILL own her land in Logan.

    Let me put this another way, Pulido and his council hacks, including Sal Tinajero, are going to give Ware FREE LAND at our expense – and she will still be able to develop her land in Logan into luxury condo towers.

    Now we know what she stands to get for her donations to the Measure D campaign. Pretty good return on her investment…

  22. No way, a give away?

    Now that sounds like the definition of government largeness.

    Is this what all the bitching about Ware is about? Not about code enforcement, not about industrial bight in a residencies neighborhood, not about decent housing for Santa Ana residents of the Logan area,

    It is all loud talk to hide a huge giveaway coupled with kick back bribes AKA campaign donations, and personal consulting fees for the insiders.

  23. The only option to remedy the situation in Logan is to enforce the law and prosecute Ware. With all of the money that she gives to politicians, she could afford to relocate out of Logan. The city will set a bad precedent by rewarding somebody who violates the law as flagrantly as Ware. Next, the city could pay gang bangers not to shoot innocent people. Then the city could subsidize drug dealers so that they do not have to sell as much of their product on the city’s streets.

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