Ware Update: Who ya gonna call?

At Monday’s Planning Commission meeting I discussed Ware Disposal’s frequent powerwashing of its garbage trucks at their facility in the Logan Neighborhood.  I expressed the frustration felt by those in the neighborhood and their not knowing who to contact if and when they believe Ware may be violating laws and environmental regulations.  Assistant City Attorney Ben Kauffman said that he would provide me with a number that can be called 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mr. Kauffman called me yesterday and gave me the number.  The number is the Public Works Agency emergency line.  He told me that anyone can call that number at anytime and report activities that they believe to be hazardous or a violation of environmental laws and regulations.  The folks at the Public Works Agency will either put you in touch with those who can help you or will contact the proper agencies to investigate the problems you are reporting.

The phone number to call should you believe Ware is in violation of the law or environmental regulations is (714) 647-3380.



  1. So nice to see constructive business going on here on this blog instead of bickering. Logan needs to stand strong.

  2. Sean,

    Thank you for your hard work. Neighborhoods like Logan desire a good quality of life too. The good fight should also be carried out to the other neighborhods lacking in infrastructure,economic opportunity, safety and education.

  3. mr. mill, you had said that rutan & tucker attorneys are spending a lot of time on this site. i certainly hope that doesn’t mean this website was recently harrassed by them; although, if it did, it certainly wouldn’t surprise me about judy ware. the company motto is “ware cares.” kind of ironic, i think.

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