Speaking before the OC Board of Supervisors as a private citizen, Jon Fleischman spoke out against revisions to TINCUP regulations and called Shirley Grindle an “enemy of free speech.”
But Jon uttered these words:
“If the people in public office are doing wrong things..if they are taking money and inappropriately benefiting the people who gave them money. Shame on those office holders. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
What! Really? Did he really say that? And by saying that, did he throw a certain indicted former public official under the bus?
See it for yourself here.
Jon must have meant the disgraced sheriff Mike Carona.
What Jon misses (and other Repubs who view this as a free speech issue) is that there are laws that regulate the financing of campaigns and the laws are meaningless if the DA’s office won’t prosecute. Matt mentioned the Rhonda Carmody case and how she signed a document attesting that she had collected signatures but in fact had not and it was “so what’s the big deal?” Well, if there is a law against that sort of behavior, then the law ought to be enforced.