Join National Campaign Chair Terry McAuliffe as We Make History With Hillary!

Remember when I had a chance to meet Former DNC Chair and current Hillary for President Campaign Chair Terry McAuliffe when I traveled to Nevada to campaign for Hillary? Well, guess what? Today’s your day to meet our campaign chair!

Here are the details:

Terry McAuliffe, National Chair of Hillary Campaign, Visits OC!!

When-Friday, February 1, 2008 at 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Where-Hillary for President – Garden Grove Office
13252 Garden Grove Blvd
Garden Grove, CA 92843
General Area: Between Fairview St & Lewis St, right off the 22 freeway
Description-Terry McAuliffe, National Chair of the Hillary for President Campaign and former Chair of the Democratic National Committee, visits Orange County!! Come join State Assemblyman Jose Solorio, local elected officials, and fellow Hillary supporters to welcome Terry McAuliffe and make phone calls for Hillary!

So would you like to join us for all the fun tonight? Great! All you need to do is RSVP online. And if you have any additional questions about tonight’s event, please feel free to call our wonderful staffer Erin at (323) 350-3988.

Together, we can do great things. We can win this election. We can make history with Hillary! 🙂