Obama Takes Decisive Lead in Early California Results

StudentsMyVote California High School Mock Presidential Primary Election – Ok, I admit it. I was surprised to learn of this. I’ve lived in California for 31 years and did not know this takes place. 450 high schools in California participate. High school students voted yesterday and today. It’s sanctioned by the Secretary of State’s office.

As of 6:53pm today, the statewide results are Clinton 17,813 votes, Edwards 2,945, and Obama 27,845 with 250 schools reporting. Orange County results are Clinton 448, Edwards 60, and Obama 873 with 6 of 10 schools reporting. Actually, there may be 11 schools because Arnold O. Beckman School is listed twice, which I don’t understand. Before anyone goes haywire, I do realize this is a mock election. So yes, I know it’s not real. It counts for nothing – except that some of the students are eligible to vote in the real primary next week. Still it is interesting.