I had a dream today…

I had a dream that one day Orange County would be free of the corruption and caronyism that has gripped the Sheriff’s department for years.

I had a dream that our next Sheriff would be a person of honor and virtue.

I had a dream that the choice of our next Sheriff would be based upon merit, not political connections and calculations.

I had a dream today.

I had a dream that the people of Orange County would have the opportunity to have a say in who would lead our Sheriff’s department for the next three years.

I had a dream that one day even here in Orange County, a community smoldering from the fires of injustice, seared by the heat of corruption, will be transformed into an oasis of justice and integrity.

I had a dream that one day the people of Orange County will rise up and fight to preserve the true meaning of the words sworn by our elected officials: “I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter.”

I had a dream today.

I had a dream that the three men and two women of the Board of Supervisors discarded Republican Party loyalty in favor of letting the people of Orange County be heard.

I had a dream that these courageous leaders put forth to the voters a ballot measure letting them choose among those who wish to protect and serve Orange County as Sheriff for the next three years.

I had a dream that such an honorable Board considered the voters recommendations when they made their selection of our next Sheriff.

I had a dream today.

I had a dream that if integrity is to be restored to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, this must become true.

And so let our voices be heard from the top of Saddleback Mountain.

Let our voices be heard from the valley of Santiago Canyon.

Let our voices be heard from the beaches of San Clemente.

Let our voices be heard from the hills of La Habra.

Let our voices be heard from the Mission of San Juan Capistrano.

Let our voices be heard from the steps of the Old County Courthouse in Santa Ana.

From everywhere in Orange County let our voices be heard.

Let us vote in June!

Let us vote in June!

Please God Almighty, let us vote in June.