Live from Santa Ana: Sean H. Mill joins TheLiberalOC

In case you haven’t noticed yet, Sean H. Mill has joined the LiberalOC Blog Team. Sean joins us after blogging for Orange Juice blog for longer than I think he cares to admit. Never to let a liberal blogger go without a platform, we gladly accepted Sean’s request to join us.

It is still a bit hazy, but I think the decision was made at some point while I was passed out on the Old County Courthouse steps after the Drinking Liberally going away party for Mike Lawson last night. You’ll have to ask Art Pedroza about the details, he posted about it this morning in an update on Orange Juice.

From what I understand, he was looking for Supervisor Norby to get more excuses for Janet Nguyen’s eff-ups and found me instead. I guess I must have been muttering something about Sean joining TheLiberalOC.

Anyway, please welcome Sean to the blog, and be nice to him.  I have heard that some people were picking on him recently. 😉

And Art, thanks for making our team announcements on Orange Juice before we had a chance to over here. You’re really in a class by yourself.


  1. Thanks for the welcome Chris. I look forward to the open and free flow of ideas here at Liberal OC. It is nice to know that comments will get posted here no matter which side of the issue they come from.

  2. Sean-

    Welcome aboard! We value good reporting, good commentary, and good ol’ free speech here at The Liberal OC. That’s why we’re glad to see you here. 🙂

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