Updated McGill Resolution: Carona Must Resign

HT to Allan Bartlett at Powder Blue for securing an updated copy on a OC GOP Central Committee resolution from former Cypress Mayor Mike McGill calling for Sheriff Mike Carona’s resignation.  Here’s the copy:

Whereas, Orange County Sheriff Carona has had his two Assistant Sheriffs and a Captain convicted of numerous crimes, demonstrating poor leadership and

Whereas, Sheriff Carona has been publicly linked to an attorney and a businessman that have both been convicted of numerous crimes, demonstrating poor judgment and

Whereas, the Sheriff’s own personal conduct, coupled with the serious federal charges against him, the removal of security clearances and the pending trial are unacceptable conditions for the Sheriff to perform his duties and serve Orange County;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the OCGOP calls upon Michael Carona to immediately resign as Sheriff of Orange County. 

While those of us on the left will often disgree on political matters with our friends on the right, I think this resolution shows tremendous backbone by McGill who feels its the right course of action for his party.  I also admire Allan for posting it and having equally strong feelings about what is right for his party. 

1 Comment

  1. Is this a new attempt and new version of what they tried to pass at the last OCRP Central Committee meeting last month?

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