I’m on my last legs and need to fork over about $20 a year if I want to keep getting Red County Magazine. I’m tempted to keep it going as its a great source of material for this blog and I’d miss out on all that cool right-wing direct mail I’ve been getting.
James Lileks has a completely pointless column on American school names. Congressman John Campbell breaks with the president with a column on leaving behind “No Child Left Behind.” I love how the Congressman points to the education his sons got at IUSD while he did precious little to elevate the funding our cash-strapped district received during his term in the State Senate.ÂÂ
Dennis Prager has a column of America’s public schools and the left (is excertped from a speech he did) where he laments the lack of God in formal education. I always say there’s plenty of prayer in schools especially during an exam, but Prager forgets school prayer violates the separation clause fo the First Amendment that keeps church and state (or state-funded education) separate. My kids go to school with kids who are Musliim, Buddhist, Jewish, Catholic, Protestant and “fundy” as my son says. So which God are we talking about?
The cover story is an interview with KABC’s Larry Elder; sorry, I couldn’t get past the first few paragraphs. There is a preview of a new film that promises to “Expose Hillary” but it relies on Dick Morris who hasn’t had direct contact with Hillary Clinton in at least 9 years. I just don’t think the film will say anything new about Hillary that you can’t pick up from Morris’ apperances on Fox News on a regular basis.ÂÂ
The best read in the publication is the back page where Mark Bucher takes Team Trung to task for its prolonged political and legal harrassment of Supervisor Janet Nguyen that clearly violates Ronad Reagan’s 11th Commendment “No Republican sall speak ill of any other Republican.” Its reprinted on Matt Cunningham’s Red County blog.
Any Red County subscribers out there? Is it worth the $20 to keep it coming?  What do you think?ÂÂ
I’m more concerned about stopping it from coming. I never asked for it, but they started sending it anyhow.
I suspect that you will keep receiving it whether you pay for it or not.
In the murky world of wingnut welfare and circulation pumping, I’m guessing that Red County has very few people who will pay for it, but it will keep being published at a loss.
It is a waste of money. In the internet age, starting an expensive magazine like this is just dumb.
But you can’t take the Internet with you into the bathroom (well, you can, but …ick)