Who’s Really The Most Electable Democrat?

Analyst Reveals John Edwards, not Hillary Clinton, as Most Electable Democrat

David Terr, PhD number theorist and graduate from UC Berkeley, “we have almost 250 polls involving a hypothetical election between Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton and she is consistently performing worse than Edwards is in those same polls.”

They argue that Hillary Clinton performs worse because of polls of Independents and Moderates that find her objectionable and have vowed to never support her — regardless of circumstance. “John Edwards does not suffer from such objection which is critical in a close election” says David Terr.

The data PresidentElectionPolls.com has used to come to their conclusions can be found at: http://www.presidentelectionpolls.com/2008/articles/john-edwards-is-the-most-electable-democrat.html

Pundits say that a Democrat cannot win in the South, Midwest or West. They say places like Arizona, Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, South Dakota, Colorado, Indiana, Georgia and Louisiana are Republican strongholds. Well, they are wrong. Democrats have won there statewide—as governors or senators. And the right Democratic presidential nominee—one who shares their values, understands their issues and offers real and bold solutions—can win these states.

“Poll after poll in the battleground states shows Edwards to be the strongest Democratic challenger in a general election match-up with the leading Republicans.”

EDWARDS: “The problem is the press and the pundits have confused the candidate who would win an election inside the Beltway with the candidate who can win an election in the rest of America.”

“[Edwards] Hit both his Democratic and Republican targets with acute precision and impact. Appeared tough enough to perform well in a general election, with the kind of articulate passion he formerly demonstrated in the courtroom. Came across as presidential, optimistic and patriotic — essential for a winner.” Time Magazine, Mark Halperin

Rather than covering the head to head matchups that matter we have CNN use as their only analyst for the Las Vegas Debate, Clinton Supporter and advisor James Carville, who made sure everyone heard the spin that Hillary was being personally attacked and still won the debate. But then again, it was CNN that planted a question for Hillary on Diamonds vs. Pearls. When are they going ask the male candidates; Boxers or Briefs?


  1. The DPOC John Edwards fan club is alive and well I see. I wish I liked him as much as Obama. Unfortunately with his polling and fundraising numbers so low, I just don’t see it happening. The primaries will tell.

  2. My Dear OC Demo Gilr;
    Damn Hippy! Dont be so gullible to sound bites and Demigoge de jour. Think critically and get with the prgram and come i for the big win. I myself wish that Bill Richardson was doing better in the polls and fundraising. The fact is that he is the most expoerienced and most electable democrat we have. But there is alos the fact that he is not outraising the other dems.

    John Edwards is lagging behind the twin soundbites of yoMama and Shillary. But he is gaining ground and will win the priamries in Iowa and new hampshire. Yomamma and Shillary need to go home anmd take all those damn hippies with them and wash the pacculi and bear fat off them once they get them out of that damn drum prayer circle in mason Park in Irvine.

  3. Here’s how to find out who is most electable. Talk to someone you know who is a true swing voter — regardless of registration, someone who actually looks at the individual candidates rather than their party affiliation.

    Ask this person who their least favorite Republican presidential candidate is. Let’s say it’s Huckabee. Then say, “If the Republican nominee is Huckabee and the Democrat is Clinton, who will you vote for? What about if the Democrat is Obama? Edwards?”

    Repeat this test with a few other swing voting acquaintances.

    I believe I can tell you the result, but try it for yourself.

  4. Gila-

    I have tried this many times before, and I can tell you my result right now. I’ve had some swing voter family members say they prefer Hillary against a Republican. I’ve had some Republicans tell me they prefer Obama over a Republican. I’ve had a few moderate Democrats tell me they prefer Richardson over a Republican. Basically, the answers all over the place.

    But nonetheless, here’s what I find the most. I’ve found quite a few of my friends and family who used to be Republican tell me that they’ll vote for the Democrat, whether it be Hillary, Obama, or Edwards. So basically, we need not worry. ANY of the “Big 3” is plenty electable to win next November. 🙂

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