Live from CDP E-Board: Democrats Vote in Favor of Nunez-Perata Term Limits, No Position Taken on Tribal Gaming Compacts

I’m here at the General Session of the CA Democratic Party Executive Board Meeting. We’re now voting on approving the Resolution Committee’s recommendations on the initiatives coming on the ballot in February. What the E-Board decides today will be the official Democratic Party recommendations for February.

Just minutes ago, the E-Board voted to ENDORSE Prop 93, the Perata-Nunez term limits initiative. Our Legislative leaders are pushing 93 to allow legislators to serve longer in one house in the Legislature, even as it also shortens the overall amount of time one can serve of both houses of the Legislature from 14 years to 12. However, some progressive activists are angry that this term limits change does NOT also include redistricting reform and campaign finance reform. Now, it looks like the party is getting behind 93.

The party is now debating the four tribal gaming compacts. The “Big Four” tribes with megacasinos in Southern California are asking for a “neutral” position on the compacts. However labor activists are asking the party to OPPOSE the compacts, as they argue that these compacts do not have adequate labor and environmental standards.

UPDATE: The E-Board has just approved a “NEUTRAL” position on the tribal gaming compacts.

Stay tuned here at The Liberal OC for updates on party endorsement votes…