Carona’s Bail:LiberalOC on Site

Chris Prevatt is on site at the federal courthouse; he reports Carona’s bail has been set at $20,000.  His wife Debbie’s bail is also $20,000.  And his alleged mistress had her bail set at $10,000.  There are reports that the trio was in handcuffs for the arraigement.


  1. I wish you folks would stop reporting on this so-called “indictment” of Mike Carona.

    Simply, as an avid Flashreport reader, I know of no such indictment against the greatest sheriff serving anywhere in America. The Liberal OC must be mistaken.

    Had an indictment and an arraignment ocurred, I am sure Fleischman would be reporting it. Otherwise, his blog would lose credibility as a news source.

    I am sure you folks are sorry for your error in reporting something that has not happened.

    What will you liberal liars think of next?

  2. For his sake, I hope Carona and his Little Debbies plead out before the new US attorney appointed by President Hillary takes over. While I think she will be less likely to use torture and extreme rendition, I can’t see her going easy on the corrupt bimbos.

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