from the OCFA’s website (Photo from
INCIDENT NAME: Santiago Incident
LOCATION: Originated at Santiago Canyon Road and Silverado Canyon Road (Thomas Brothers page 832 A2). Fire continues to move to the east and north approaching Modjeska, Silverado, and Lost Woman Canyons. Map of approximate fire area, evacuation areas, and evacuation centers (as of Sunday 10/28/07 9:40 PM)
Mandatory evacuations remain in place for the canyon areas off Santiago Canyon Road between Silverado Canyon Road and Live Oak Canyon Road, including the Santiago Estates and Jackson Ranch Road. Areas along Live Oak Canyon Road through the Trabuco Canyon area, including O’Neill Regional Park to Trabuco Creek Road, are also included in this mandatory evacuation.
The Santiago Incident Unified Command has established an assessment team to determine when evacuated residents may return to their homes. This assessment will begin Sunday, 10/28/07 and will continue through at least the peak burning period and into the evening. The decision to allow residents to return to their homes will be contingent upon the anticipated fire threat and weather predictions for the affected areas. The Santiago Incident Unified Command will then implement a plan to allow residents to return to their homes.
Silverado, Williams, Modjeska, Live Oak, and Trabuco Canyons and Hamilton Truck Trail may be reopened at different times based upon conditions within each respective canyon. Only residents will be allowed to return to the evacuated areas; road blocks will still be maintained by local law enforcement. The returning residents will be asked to stay on their properties and not enter other affected areas including Cleveland National Forest land, which is still closed.
Approximately 200 homes are threatened at this time.
For information regarding the Orange County Sheriff’s Department’s evacuation of the Joplin Boys Ranch, call (714) 935-6660.
Evacuees from Modjeska, Williams, and most of Silverado Canyons may go to the Albertson’s shopping center at the corner of Jamboree Road and Chapman Avenue (8440 E. Chapman Avenue, Orange), where OCFA Occupant Liaisons will escort them into the evacuation area to check on their homes, collect prescription medications, and tend to pets. Unfortunately, potential fire activity in Silverado Canyon southeast of OCFA Fire Station #14 (19402 Silverado Canyon Rd.) prohibits our escorting those residents at this time.
Evacuation Instructions
Evacuees can go to El Modena High School located at 3920 Spring Street in the City of Orange.
People trying to locate evacuated family members can register and search the Red Cross “Safe and Well” list at or by calling (866) GET-INFO.
Orange County Red Cross – (714) 481-5300
American Red Cross Safe & Well List
How to prepare for an evacuation
CAUSE: Confirmed arson; a reward of $250,000 is being offered for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for this crime.
Your help is needed with identifying a vehicle of interest.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Weather on Saturday assisted in improving the fire behavior. Warmer and drier conditions are expected for Sunday. For information check with National Weather Service – Southern California or California Weather
Weather on Saturday assisted in improving the fire behavior. Warmer and drier conditions are expected for Sunday. For information check with orCONTAINMENT: 65% at the time of this report. Full containment expected 11/2/07.
Weather on Saturday assisted in improving the fire behavior. Warmer and drier conditions are expected for Sunday. For information check with or 65% at the time of this report. Full containment expected 11/2/07.CONTROL: Not at this time
UNIFIED COMMANDERS: Chief Witesman (OCFA), Chief Whitney (IMT), Chief Hodson (Cal Fire), and Assistant Sheriff Anderson (OCSD)
INJURIES: Eight minor injuries to fire personnel
ACRES BURNED: Approximately 28,400
Nine residential structures were damaged and 15 destroyed
Twelve outbuildings were damaged and 8 destroyed
Silverado Elementary School
Trabuco Elementary School
For additional information, please call the OCFA Media Center at (714) 573-6200.
Orange County Public Information Hotline – (714) 628-7085
News Radio for current and future incidents:
AM 980 – KFWB
AM 1070 – KNX
AM 640 – KFI
AM 1640 for Irvine residents
Please save these stations on your battery-powered and car radios.
(your anti spam words never fail to amuse me)
So it’s supposed to be contained by Friday, eh? The Santa Anas are supposed to kick up again this weekend (albeit at less gusty levels).
Keep those fingers crossed!!