Are you still mad at Arnold for saying he will veto real health care reform? And would you like to do something about this? If so, join
It’s OUR Healthcare for a vigil in front of the Governor’s office in LA. There will be movie screenings, protest actions, and prayer services happening throughout this 48 hour vigil to tell the Governor that if he’s interested in fixing our broken health care system, he needs to address the lack of affordability for too many working families.
Here’s where we’ll be:
Governor’s Los Angeles Office
300 South Spring Street
Suite 16701
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: 213-897-0322
Fax: 213-897-0319
We’ll be there starting next Wednesday, and it will continue through Friday. On Thursday, the Orange County chapter will be doing a carpool to LA to do the vigil from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. If you’d like to join the carpool on Thursday, or if you just want more information about this vigil for health care, please send an email to jdolonATitsourhealthcareDOTorg.
Arnold now has a new health care proposal, but it isn’t that much different from his old proposal. He still thinks that forcing people to buy private health insurance will bring about “universal care”, but he still doesn’t realize that this individual mandate can’t work if people can’t afford health insurance. Working families need affordable options, not exorbitantly expensive mandates. If you’d like to help us send this message to Arnold, please consider sending an email to jdolonATitsourhealthcareDOTorg to RSVP for our carpool to the LA vigil next Thursday.