Find Out What’s Really Happening in Iraq This Sunday

Have you been following the news about the Iraq Occupation lately? Are you getting frustrated by all this talk about Blackwater and private contractors ripping off the American taxpayers while they do a huge disservice to our troops and the Iraqi people? Would you like to find out how all of this can be changed?

If you answered “yes” to those questions, then you should attend a special town hall forum this Sunday in Los Angeles that’s being organized by Courage Campaign. Special guests on Sunday include Assembly Majority Leader Karen Bass, Rep. Diane Watson (D-Los Angeles) and Major General Paul Eaton, and they all intend to give us a better picture of what’s actually happening in Iraq.


At this important event, you can get beyond the headlines on what is really going on in Iraq and the impact it is having back at home, including congressional efforts to ensure oversight of Blackwater and the 180,000 “military contractors” working in the country. 

Wow, this is just what I’ve been thinking about. I look at how much these “military contractors” cost us and how little help these companies have actually been, and I wonder how much longer this madness of privatizing our military will continue. And of course, I think of the larger question of how much longer this madness of George Bush’s Iraq Occupation will continue. Perhaps I’ll find some answers on Sunday.

Are you looking for answers to your questions on Iraq? If so, perhaps you will want to join me for this town hall forum on Sunday. Here’s the lowdown on when and where to go:

When: Sunday, October 14, 2007, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Where: Hamilton High School Auditorium
2955 South Robertson
(Two blocks north of 10 Fwy)
Los Angeles, CA 90034

Ready to find out what’s really going on in Iraq? RSVP here.