Martin Resigns, finally!

Harald MartinLast night Harald Martin submitted his resignation from the Anaheim Union High School District, effective Saturday. The board is expected to decide on September 13th whether to hold a special election to fill the vacancy, or appoint someone elese.

The Orange County Register reports today that an attorney for the County Department of Education says that the board has the option of either holding the election or appointing someone new since Martin resigned before the recall petitions were certified. 

Rumors are already flying that the fix is in and that the board plans to appoint former Trustee Rob Stewart to fill the vacancy rather than last years runner-up Jordan Brandman, or hold a special election as the voters have demanded.  As Art Pedroza over at Orange Juice puts it:

Stewart was on the AUHSD board when they blew a $142 million bond measure. They ended up making improvements to only eight schools and dropping fourteen others from the improvement program. They were ultimately audited, and the report indicated that “The audit details major management problems and $42.8 million in cost overruns for the construction and modernization program. District is short $48.8 million to finish the program.”

Replacing Martin with Stewart will be yet another stupid move for the AUHSD board. Clearly they either need to hold a special election or simply appoint the runner up to Denise Reinking, who passed away, allowing the board to previously appoint Martin. The runner up in that race was Jordan Brandman. He is the only one who ought to be appointed to the board. The voters have already spoken.

We’ll have to wait till September to see what the AUHSD board does.  Something tells me that they are still tone deaf to the will of the voters. Or maybe they all want to be recalled.

So in the same fasion that George Burns and Gracie Allen closed their tv show…

Us: Say good night Harald.

Martin: Good night Harald.


  1. The fix is definitely in. Although the board members are violating the Brown Act, they are indeed planning to back Stewart at this time. The Board continues to ignore the voters in hopes of maintaining what control they think they have in the district. Very sad.

  2. Smith and Oneal are both up for 08 elections and would have to run with whoever they appoint. Don’t think they would be stupid enough to run with Stewart who they both openly and behind closed doors fueded with for many years. But inteligence has not been a hallmark of this board so anything is possible.

    We need to work on ONeal and Percy to ensure that Stewart will not be appointed. They can force a deadlock if Smith and Houglin try to run another end game.

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