Olbermann Re-enacts Senator Craig’s Bathroom Scene

Another installment of closeted Republican hypocrites.  I have learned more about public restroom crusing techniques in the last several days, than I have in my 28 years as a out gay man.

Thanks for the info Senator Craig.

[ev type=”youtube” data=”hUxBRu1lHCw”][/ev]


  1. I have learned more about public restroom crusing techniques in the last several days, than I have in my 28 years as a out gay man.

    My mother always used to tell me cheerily, “You learn something new every day!”

    My mother was never one to play footsie with, or tap dance around, the truth.

  2. There IS a resemblance. More like A.C. than the real airport cop.
    Olbermann’s actor is not as hot as either one, though.

  3. Fred & Ginger take on a whole new meaning.

    A number from Top Hat – complete with the tap number is going thru my head – it is called “The Piccolino”

  4. Thomas —
    what about Ann Coulter calling John Edwards a fag, Al Gore, total fag, Bill Clinton serial rapist. Sesan Hannity alludes to women Bill Clinton sexually abused, yet no charges filed for any of it.

    And would you have been bothered by this if it was a Democrat?

  5. Thomas,

    Despite his claims to the contrary Limbaugh constantly makes personal attacks. What do you think of that?

  6. I listened to a portion of his interrogation after his arrest and it sounds like he was coerced into the guilty plea to avoid the media. If I were a juror and that evidence were presented to me I would have not convicted him.

  7. and O’Reilly never calls anyone a “pinhead”

    My personal favorite is Melanie Morgan calling Barack Obama a “Halfrican” because his faher was not descended from african slaves.

  8. Republican judge Edward Nottingham did something similar. He confessed that he was too drunk to remember how he spent $3,000 in a strip club on 9/5/05. AP reported that the interviewed a Mr. Frankel of the Denver Diamond Cabaret strip club, who said the GOP judge visited the strip club multiple times. His wife only has one bill and there is no record who paid for Judge Nottingham’s other visits to the strip club. According to 9 news in Denver, Judge Nottingham’s wife said he spent over $500 to visit an Internet site from the judge’s chambers offering porno pictures and introductions to women wanting sex tonight

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