Pelosi on Gonzo

Washington – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales: 

“The resignation of Attorney General Gonzales is long overdue.  The rampant politicization of federal law enforcement that occurred under his tenure seriously eroded public confidence in our justice system.” 

“The President must now restore credibility to the office of the Attorney General.  Given the serious loss of public trust and the disarray at the Department of Justice, the American people must have absolute confidence in the integrity of the next Attorney General as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer and as defender of our constitution independent of political influence.  The President’s nominee must have the character and stature to command that confidence.”  

“The nominee must also pledge to cooperate with ongoing congressional oversight into the conduct of the White House in the politicization of federal law enforcement.  Hearings on the nominee will provide Congress with another opportunity to examine the new, flawed FISA law and will aid in our efforts to improve it.”ÂÂ