Art Pedroza comments today on the BlogNetNews ranking for this week where Orange Juice again places first. TheLiberalOC placed # 4 this week. We’ve had a pretty good run in the rankings, placing in the top 5 over the past 5 weeks including two consecutive weeks at number 1.
In his post Art highlights, as he does every week, the most read posts for the week on Orange Juice.
So for the sake of comparison, here are the Liberal OC’s top five viewed stories.
Healthy Skepticism Toward Climate Crisis Denial
543 Page Views (141 comments)
Who’s Impressed with Diane Harkey?
443 Page Views (45 comments)
Loretta Sanchez & the Peace Activists: What Does This All Mean?
244 Page Views (45 comments)
Purple County?
192 Page Views (25 comments)
Diane Harkey & the Dana Point Conspiracies
188 Page Views (6 comments)
Go figure, the new guy at TheLiberalOC, Andrew Davey, tags four out of the top five posts. Congratulations Andrew. 🙂
But it’s NOT my fault, Chris! No really! It’s just a bad habit… That I hope to keep repeating. 😉
Great job, team! Let’s keep showing ’em how we liberals REALLY do it in “The OC”. 😉
You guys are doing a great job! Keep up the good work…and please try to push Red County and the Flush Report down in the BNN rankings…