(Cross-posted at Obama OC)
Hey, everyone! Remember when I told you last week about the Obama OC Volunteer Meeting in Irvine? Well, guess what? It’s happening TONIGHT!
That’s right, my friends! If you love your country like I do, AND you love Barack Obama like I do, then you need to be here tonight. We’re open to EVERYONE in Orange County who would like to know how they can get involved in the local campaign to elect Barack Obama as our 44th President, and nothing could possibly make us happier than to see YOU join us for all the fun.
Come on, now! Don’t you want to follow me after the flip to see all the details on tonight’s meeting? You know you want to…
OK, as promised, here are all the details:
The time has come for anyone interested in getting involved in Senator Obama’s campaign to step forward. Recently, many Obama OC members have spent the past few weekends getting trained on how to organize and run an effective campaign. Now we have the opportunity to share what we have learned with the hundreds of individuals in the Orange County area who have expressed an interest in volunteering for this historic campaign. Among the topics that will be discussed at the next meeting will be:
1) Overall Campaign Strategy
a. Nevada Caucus
b. Nevada road trips from Orange County
i. August 17th and 19th
ii. September 21st -23rd2) California Strategy
3) Orange County Strategy
a. We will be dividing Orange County into congressional districts.
b. Congressional districts will be further broken down into precincts
c. Finally, a plan will be made to reach a specific number of voters in each area.4) Finally, we will discuss opportunities for those volunteers who prefer to work behind the scenes in an administrative capacity.
Needless to say, there are a lot of details that we will discuss at the meeting to clarify our Orange County strategy. We hope that you can attend, and help us get the ball rolling in the OC.
Rest assured, you will not be asked to do anything without receiving training and proper materials.
101 Pacifica
Suite 240
Irvine, CA 92618We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Giovanii Jorquera
OBAMA OCDate: Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Duration: 90 minutes
Access: Public
So now, it’s up to YOU. Are you ready to go out and “Barack your world� If so, then I’ll see you in Irvine tonight.
Damn Irvine Hippies!
Haha! Damn Anonymous “Damn Hippies” Commenter! You make me ROTFLMAO all the time! 😉
See you there, Andrew!
Fantastic! 🙂
Thanks, Andrew. We’re helping Barack change America!
No probem, Newton! I look forward to seeing you tonight!