“For a while it was pretty hard to get much built,” county Superintendent of Schools Bill Habermehl said. “But the classroom of 20 or 30 years ago won’t even compare to what we are putting in today.”
That’s what the County Schools Superintendent has to say in today’s Register article on school bonds and their impact on public education in Orange County. Due to all the bonds that have been approved in OC school districts in the last few years, the number of construction and renovation projects in OC schools has soared.
So has all this really been good for schools? After all, isn’t debt a bad thing? Maybe not if this bond money is being used as an investment in our kids’ future. And looking at the new schools from Santa Ana to San Juan Capistrano, as well as the renovations in old schools from Huntington Beach to Laguna Beach, it seems like this investment is finally paying off.
So what do YOU think about all these school bonds? Is this the wrong way to fund education? Or is this the right investment for our children? Oh yes, and what do you think about the possible positive externalities that result from all this investment in local schools?
“I think more and more people are starting to realize it, and that’s why support for school bonds is high,” [Newport-Mesa Unified parent Sarah Villareal] said. “Houses sell better when they are next to top schools.”
Is this right for our property values? And is this right for our kids. Go ahead. Make my day. Fire away! 😉