Hi, everyone! I’m here in Long Beach, at our very first Beach Cities for Obama gathering for the 46th Congressional District. We have people from Palos Verdes here, and people from Huntington Beach here. We have young Democrats here, and we have long-time Democrats here. We have experienced campaigners here, and people who have never been involved in politics before here. We’ve all been inspired by Barack Obama, and his new politics of hope.
So now, we’re ready to step up and take action. We’re planning trips to Nevada. We’re beginning to organize in our local communities here in the 46th. We’re creating a plan of action to take our country back and restore a sense of hope to our community and to our country.
I’m so excited that I have the privilege to be a part of a real grassroots campaign. Have you felt this way before? Are you a part of a grassroots campaign right now? And what do you plan to do to help your Presidential Candidate win in your neighborhood? I’d like to hear your thoughts on your experience as I’m beginning mine.
So come on now, you know what to do. Go ahead. Make my day. Fire away! 🙂