Can We Put a Price Tag on Paradise Lost?

Oh my gawd! Look how much this lot is going for at The Strand! $9 MILLION??!! For an empty lot in Dana Point? Come on, who would pay $9 million for an empty lot, even if it were on the beach, by the most romantic spot on the California coast?

But wait. Hold on. Can we really put a price tag on this?

Can we put a price tag on paradise lost? On a once untouched stretch of coastline that’s now being filled with McMansions? On a legend that’s being lost forever?

I guess I should be thrilled by these expensive new homes, but I’m not. I’m thinking of the real cost of these new homes. The real cost isn’t just the price tag, but also a lovely masterpiece of Mother Nature that is being encroached upon. Why can’t we just learn to live at peace with nature?

So what exactly does the price tag look like for Paradise Lost?


  1. “Why can’t we just learn to live at peace with nature?”

    At least you said “we” and not “they”. There’s a lot that you and I do that’s not at peace with nature, to say nothing about the McMansion folks…

  2. Of course. We’re ALL guilty to a certain extent. How often do we drive our cars? How often do we blast up the air conditioner? How often do we forget to recycle? How often are we just being wasteful jerks?

    We’ve all committed crimes against Nature. I’ll give you that. But why must we continue doing this? Why must we destroy every last bit of natural beauty? Why must we destroy our climate? Why must we ruin our own planet?

    Can we put a price tag on the health and well-being of ourselves and our planet?

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