Garden Grove Planning Commission Takes Up the Wal-Martian Invasion

Oh, my! Check out what I found in The Register this morning! Now the environmental impact report is out on the proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter at Brookhurst and Chapman in Garden Grove, the Garden Grove Planning Commission will hold its first public hearing on the Wal-Mart Supercenter.

Now if you know any of what I had to learn when I wrote this from Calitics and you live in Garden Grove, you may want to go to this meeting tonight. We may wonder how Wal-Mart and their attitude towards their workers affects us, but we shouldn’t. When Wal-Mart doesn’t provide their workers with health insurance, we must. When Wal-Mart doesn’t pay them enough to feed their families, we must. When Wal-Mart won’t pay to be in town, we must.

Wal-Mart literally profits off of forcing its workers to seek public assistance in Welfare and Medi-Cal benefits as they’re too stingy to take care of their own workers. And even though they’re already shortchanging us the taxpayers this way, they also feed at the trough of snatching whatever subsidies they get before coming into town. I guess that’s the high cost of “low prices”. Hiding behind those “low prices” at Wal-Mart are all our tax dollars lining the pockets of Wal-Mart executives. It’s not only inhumane to the people working at Wal-Mart, but it’s unfair to the good tax-paying citizens of Garden Grove.

So why the heck would Garden Grove want a Wal-Mart Supercenter? Why the heck would the Planning Commission approve such a plan for misery? Maybe once the folks on the Planning Commission know what all of us know about Wal-Mart, they won’t want a Supercenter disgracing their fine city.

1 Comment

  1. Good call on your position with google search enigne…..I put in Garden Grove planning commission meeting….and yours was the fith down in the list but the first one to have anything even close to this date in time and space. I need more scuttle butt on the wal-mart transformer heading this way. Any video of that meeting….that must have been…well…delicate, complicated and useless. I watched that area being built last time and it had an Arron Brothers…a TJ max..and I think they were both gone within the first year…..Pavilions didnt get that this is not the place where everyone is happiest paying more for things as part of an upscale identity. That was over along time ago. Its mass hordes that swing to a more person more advantage tune. But this is going to be a two story 24 hour super mega wal mart jumbonusensation. Even the Wal-mart on Beach blvd sits on a 4 lane yellow brick road on the way to DisneyLand and its not open 24 hours. That one ate the last Drive in theater before I finished my popcorn. I was watching Howard Sterns movie Private Parts at a midnight screening the night before it opened in theaters and I had my two dogs with me. It was a double feature but the other movie escapes me …….or maybe it was some walmart subliminal movie about how in the future we will live inside huge walmarts and be happy because we will pay the best price to be there. We will be called walmartians.
    We will be disinguished from the costconians by our giant yellow smiley face bags and our lack of membership cards. Maybe I dozed off.

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