OC Board of Supes OKs Medical Marijuana ID Cards

Oh, my goodness! Our lovely Board of Supervisors actually got something right! Peggy Lowe is reporting at Total Buzz that the Supes have agreed in a 4-1 vote to allow the health care agency to begin issuing medical marijuana ID cards to qualified patients within 120 days. 

Now I’m VERY pleased to see this happen, as these patients are in dire need of medicine to help them regain their appetite, medicine to help relieve their pain, medicine that helps them live their lives. Oh yes, and if anyone doubts the benefits of medical marijuana, go see the report to the California Legislature. California recognizes the legitimate use of marijuana as medicine, and it’s about time that the County of Orange comply with state law.

So I’m glad that the board majority sided with patients and doctors who simply want the best medicinal treatment available. And shame on Janet Nguyen and Tony Rackauckas for putting petty politics above good medicine! Thank goodness that the good medicine finally won the day, and people can safely get the treatment they need.


  1. Was anybody at the meeting? Supervisor Norby was coming out pretty strong for this. I wonder if he had to twist any arms.

  2. Good question. If this week’s meeting was anything like the last meeting when the Supes took up medical marijuana ID cards, Norby probably did twist some arms. But still, I can’t believe how Janet Nguyen can play politics here when even the other 3 Supes could see the light and do the right thing. I guess that’s another reason why I can’t let Janet be my Supe. We need someone who cares about what’s best for OC, and not what’s the best way to score political points.

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