In case you haven’t done so already, go see this story on Calitics! Apparently, we may finally have a candidate to take on Dirty Gary Miller in the 42nd Congressional District. Oh yes, and this candidate is a blogger on Daily Kos! How wild is that?!
OK, OK, so my friends and I have quite a surprise for all of you this week. Stay tuned for tomorrow, when I give you the case against Gary Miller, and I give it to you right here at The Liberal OC. And by Wednesday, you will have met both the campaign manager AND the “mystery candidate” we’ve all been waiting for!
Is it just me, or should Gary Miller start getting worried by now? 😉
Nah, I’d say that Gary Miller should just keep on doing what he’s done in past years, because, hey, how much power could a netroot-driven candidate have anyways?
Yes, Gary Miller should just continue what he’s doing… He won’t know what hit him. 😉