Open House, Open Thread!

Remember what I told you yesterday about that open house at Jose Solorio’s office? Well, guess what. I’m on my way there! As I’m writing this now, my dad and I are briskly flying up the 57 toward Katella. Open house, here we come!

So I asked you this yesterday, and I’ll ask you again now. What do you want to ask Assembly Member Solorio? Here’s your last chance before I get in the office, and I start asking my own questions.

And it’s OK if you don’t have any questions for Jose Solorio. Consider this an open thread then. Go ahead. Make my day. Fire away! 🙂


  1. Please thank him for supporting a set of environmental bills this week.
    He was the swing vote on a number of environmental bills including SB974 (the Clean Ports bill), SB140 (clean biodiesel), and SB210 (puts legislative teeth in the low-carbon fuel standard needed for AB32).

  2. OK, I’m waiting to get another word in with him now. I’ll make sure to thank him for that, as I appreciate a clean environment as well! 🙂

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