My wife and I are working parents, so when school’s out, finding excellent summertime camps that are educational and fun can be a challenge.ÂÂ
Since it looks like Wild Rivers is being sent to Davy Jones Locker, there’s another very worthy operation that may also have seen its final days. It’s Camp James. Located next to Wild Rivers, Camp James is the type of place my son couldn’t wait to get to during the summer. Lots of activities, a handful of friends from the neighborhood, new friends from around South County and a great, well-trained staff made for a great day every day. I would drop my son off in the morning. I’d pick up a tired, dirty and smiling child in the afternoon.
Please see this note on Camp James.
Dearest Camp Families,
Thank you for all your concern about the future of our camp. As most of you know, in 2008 The Irvine Company is going to build new homes on the Wild Rivers and Camp James property.
We are having difficulty finding a new home, as open space for a summer camp does not seem to be a priority for many.
You have asked how you can help. Please take a moment to write a letter that details how camp has impacted your family’s life. Please be sure to sign the letter and list your address and phone number. Please note that these letters may be presented to the City Council, The Irvine Company, the press, and so forth. Please give these to us at camp, e-mail them to, or snail mail to Save Camp 8790 Irvine Center Dr., Irvine, CA 92618.
We are still trying to negotiate to stay on this property as well as eagerly seeking out any and every possibility to find a new home for a camp in southern Orange County. Your testimonials will help! As soon as we know anything, we will be sure to let all of you know.
For now, rest assured that we are all focused on providing the very best summer for all of our campers.
Happy camping,
Scottie “Grey Squirrel†Roach, Theresa “Mama Llama†Collins
& The Entire Camp James Family
OMG! I hope Camp James finds another place. Damn that Irvine Company. Must they take every last stretch of untainted land, and taint it with its big boxes and McMansions? Cheese louise.
But anyways, good luck on Camp James.