Grocery Workers Authorize Strike

The union members of the United Food and Comercial Workers (UFCW) have authorized their union leadership to call a strike on 72 hours notice, should management continue to fail to negotiate in good faith on the core issues, of a fair wage increase, health care, pensions, and elimination of the two tier wage system.  Their contract expired over 100 days agao and despite record profits the major chains; Vons, Ralphs, and Albertsons have been unwilling to negotiate a fair contract for their employees.  Even though Gelsons and Stater Bros. have agreed to a fair contract, the major three will not even discuss the fair agreement achieved with Gelsons and Stater Bros.  I wrote previously about the vote that occurred on Sunday, so here we are. There is nothing like a little corporate greed, to help screw with the lives of thousands of workers and millions of people in southern California.

Here is a video from Greg Conger, UFCW 324 President, about the strike vote.

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