Ex-gay or just exploited?

The Survivor's ConferenceMarla Jo Fisher has another great story in the Orange County Register about competing conferences to being held in Orange County.  One Conference is the annual Exodus “Freedom Conference” will be held at Concordia University June 26 to July 1.  The other, “The Survivor’s Conference: Beyond Ex-gay” will be held at UCI from June 29 to July 1.

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Ex-gay or just exploited?
Dueling conferences this month in Irvine explore whether homosexuals can go straight.

The Orange County Register

IRVINE- The commercial airing on Christian talk radio promises “sudden, radical, complete change. Through Christ, freedom is possible for those who struggle with same-gender attraction.”

The radio spot is advertising the Exodus International conference this month in Irvine, where evangelical Christian ministers pledge to help reform gays and lesbians into living the straight life.

The controversial topic has attracted picketing by gay rights groups during Exodus’ annual conferences in the past. This year, activists are doing something different: They are holding a competing conference the same weekend, a mile away at UC Irvine.

“This time, we decided instead of having a protest, why not just have an alternative conference?” said Michael Bussee, a co-founder of the Exodus movement who later recanted and now lives as a gay man.

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    Are You stuck in Straight [Heterosexual] Mode, and really want to lead a full and activeGay lifestyle?

    This is an open invitation to any and all at Concordia University attendees and others.

    I am delighted to be Gay and have no desire to be otherwise.

    I will be happy to demonstrate Gay Sex techniques, with some fine, youthful and athletic partners, and offer conversion strategies to those who are orientated Straight and actually desire to be Gay.

    It is my Claim, that I can convert any Handsome Straight Guy into being
    a Gay Guy, without exception, I Guarantee it.

    Any and all persons who desire Straight to Gay conversion should contact me at my website, for additional information.

    There is never a Fee or a Charge of any kind, and we do not ask for donations, we are non-sectarian, and believe in serving the entire [Handsome Hunks] community.

    Now is the perfect time to convert to a Homosexual Lifestyle, start enjoying all of the benefits of being Gay Right now!

    Although we are non-sectarian, we believe that Jesus, whoever he may have been, was probably a happy and fulfilled Gay man.

    My name is Dave Harvey and my anti-spam word was pelosi.

    Why Not Start your Straight to Gay conversion today!

  2. No problem!

    And remember there’s never a fee for Straight to Gay Conversions!

    Our New Website Straight to Gay Conversions .com is being built as we speak.

    Hopefully we’ll be up and running to celebrate Straight to Gay Conversions Month from June 25 – July 25.

    This will hopefully coincide with what Concordia University and Exodus International are offering!

    And I must stress that we will give Priority to both Concordia Students and Staff during the entire Straight to Gay Conversions blitz.

    My name is Dave Harvey and my anti-spam word was love liberals.

  3. Oh No – you’re not in Kansas anymore – this is the OC!

    And our Brand New Website is up and ready for enhancements.


    My name is Dave Harvey and I’ll convert any handsome Straight Hunk to Gay – Guaranteed!

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