The Daily Show: Callous in Wonderland

Poor Lorri Galloway, I guess she doesn’t watch the Daily Show.

FellatiolandFidel Castro‘s face on Councilwoman Lorri Galloway‘s body. Fellatioland instead of Disneyland. And a comedy anchor saying “Disney sucks!”

All were part of a joke on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” about Disney’s dispute with Anaheim over housing in the resort area.

If you missed the Comedy Central show Tuesday night, you can see it here: “Callous in Wonderland”:

H/T– Sarah Tully OCRegister Total Buzz


  1. Galloway came off badly. Did she not understand which show was doing this segment? The poor dear is so up tight she cannot go with the joke. Next time she should have a few drinks before going on camera, it couldn’t hurt.

  2. Actually it was quite funny and displayed both sides equally negative. Lorri is pretty in touch I am quite sure she knew that was going to happen.

  3. As Orange County’s leading conservative commentator, I found the segment woefully inaccurate. Anyone familiar with Anaheim knows that you’re far more likely to get a BJ along Beach Boulevard, not Harbor Boulevard.

    Jon Stewart = tourist

    Warmly yours,
    Pete Fundy
    Senior Editorial Writer

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