DPOC Member gets a Radio Show

I spoke with one of my associates from the 60th. Ken Burke has been active in North OC politics for awhile including a Vice Chair position in the Democrats of Orange County.

Ken called to say he will be hosting a radio program from San Bernardino (It is supposed to cover Orange County too) every Sunday at noon beginning this Sunday, June 10. The program is called Red, White and Burke and Ken will be talking politics.

I do not doubt Ken will discuss National issues (I hope the Federal Prosecuter firings, I am sure the Iraqi occupation and more beltway hijinks) but will also be covering local issues, including OC goings on. The station is KCAA 1050 on the AM dial. You can also link to the page here. You can also listen to him via internet.

I am sure we can give him some news from time to time. If you like what he is doing, you might want to consider being a sponsor.

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