I saw this on the blogroll from DailyKos and feel it deserves front page attention. Kagro X raises some of the very issues that those of us bloggers who see ourselves as both pundits and journalists face on a regular basis.
Some thoughts on journalists and the blogosphere.
by Kagro X
Sat May 12, 2007 at 02:48:49 PM PDT
The latest episode of the Joe Klein saga makes me wanna barf inspires me to address some issues that I think underlie some of the continuing tensions between “mainstream media” journalists and the blogosphere.
In that discussion I was struck by this comment, containing the following quote:
You’re going to be up against people who have an opinion, a modem, and a bathrobe. All of my life, developing credentials to cover my field of work, and now I’m up against a guy named Vinny in an efficiency apartment in the Bronx who hasn’t left the efficiency apartment in two years”  Brian Williams, anchor of the “NBC Nightly News,” speaking before New York University journalism students on the challenges traditional journalism faces from online media.